In the News
September 10, 2013
United Way set $3.418M target
KINGSTON – It’s common practice, during the annual kick-off breakfast for the fall United Way campaign, for a guest speaker to tell how the agencies helped by the yearly fundraising efforts have affected their lives.
Tuesday morning’s most compelling address came from the campaign chair herself.
Lori MacDonald, who took over the top spot in the spring, told a hushed crowd of more than 600 workplace volunteers of her own hardships and how the United Way had helped her and her family.
“I can’t stress enough that no one, absolutely no one, is immune from hardship or crisis in their lives, personally or through their loved ones or their family or their friends or neighbours,” the regional deputy commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada told a packed ballroom at the Ambassador Conference Resort before this year’s goal of $3,418,000 was announced.
She told how she had to care for her father as he became ill and needed home care and support services. At the same time, she cared for her mother who was diagnosed with cancer and wanted to stay at home during her illness.
“These things can’t be accomplished on our own, without extra help and the help of professional services, services or agencies who get support through the United Way,” MacDonald said.
She couldn’t have helped her parents live the rest of their lives in dignity without the help of the services which are helped, in turn, by the United Way, she said.
More recently, her husband was diagnosed with an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis, a disease that continues to impact their lives today.
“And then last year were faced with the ultimate tragedy for us, when we lost our son through a terrible, tragic accident,” she continued.
“I share these events with you because, through all of these, United Way touched our lives in some fashion. They made a difference, sometimes big, sometimes small, but always there and always available. For me, this is why this campaign is so important. Work that we do is so critical to our success and reaching our goal.”
She felt it was important to share her stories with the volunteers and the outside community.
“I think it is really important, when you are in a leadership role, that people understand that you have the lived experience. It is one thing to ask people for money, people need to hear how you have personally been touched by that because then they believe it to be real, they believe it to be true.”
MacDonald wasn’t the only one sharing a story of how the United Way helped shape their life.
Dakota Wood, 19, told how Home Based Housing found him a place to live and helped him get off drugs and alcohol.
“It’s been a few years now but it’s still kind of hard to get (the story) out,” he told the volunteers.
He had troubles with his mother and had been kicked out of his home.
“I was into some pretty hard core drugs and alcohol,” he said.
“My family wasn’t there for me.”
He lived on the streets and didn’t know what support services might be available to help him until a friend told him about the organization.
“So I decided to give it a shot and contact them,” he recalled.
“They were incredible. The first day I moved into Passage House was my first day clean. I vowed from that day on I would strive to try and make myself better and clean up my act. They were incredibly supportive throughout the whole process.”
He is currently living in Home Based Housing and said he has been clean for almost two years.
“The support from Home Based Housing and the United Way has impacted me so much throughout my life and I would not be where I am if it wasn’t for the United Way,” he said.
MacDonald said she was “extremely touched” by Wood’s story.
“I had a lump in my throat while you were speaking,” she told him. “You are truly a shining example of someone who had a need, who reached out for that need and who took control of their life. I think you are a role model for every single person in this room when we look at what we do and why we do it.”
A second speaker also earned MacDonald’s praise.
Sadie Augustyn, a Grade 6 student, has been volunteering for the United Way since she was four years old.
“My mom always said you should give back to your community because you never know when you are going to need help yourself,” she said.
“Over the last year I learned the hard way about what she meant.”
The little girl was diagnosed with epilepsy.
At first she struggled with the diagnosis, she said. She was angry, frustrated, filled with self pity.
“Why me? was an everyday question.”
But then she and her family talked to an epilepsy centre, a United Way agency.
It became “an invaluable resource for me and my family” and helped her better cope with her situation.
“Without this United Way member agency I would not have been able to take control and manage my disease.”
Now she is feeling like her old self again, she said.
MacDonald said Sadie is “a shining example of why there are 600 people in this room here today.”
“We couldn’t have started off with a better example of why the United Way is so important.”
The campaign is about working towards a common cause, a healthy community that comes together to help those around us who have a need, she said.
More than 85,000 people in the community are helped by United Way-funded agencies.
“From a safe place to sleep on a cold night to receiving a helping hand that guides someone back into hope, your volunteering and contributions will make a difference in the lives of those in our community,” she told the audience.
The $3,418,000 goal is $68,000 more than last year’s goal.
“We are sensitive to the dynamics in our community but at the same time we have to be able to increase our campaign because there is an absolute need for that.”
She hoped to reach it by encouraging more businesses to join in the campaign. She said she had spent the summer meeting with big companies and small businesses to promote the importance of the United Way and tell them why they are important to the campaign.
Source: Michael Lea, Kingston Whig-Standard
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