We have exciting news! In August, we will be transitioning from the current Volunteer Centre page to a new and improved volunteer connector platform!
The overall purpose of the platform will remain the same; it will help connect local non-profit organizations and community volunteers by providing a central place to post, search and apply for, volunteer opportunities. The goal of this new platforms is to provide a more user-friendly experience for both the amazing local organizations who rely on volunteers as well as the volunteers who are interested in lending their skills and time to their community. Volunteering is such a vital part of United Way KFL&A, and we want to support our agencies and community members in cultivating that as well. Please watch for the new platform to go live so that you can go take a look around and register to begin posting your organization’s opportunities or searching and applying as a volunteer!
The United Way Volunteer Centre matches local non-profit organizations with volunteers who lend their skills and expertise to local organizations.
Volunteering Opportunities During COVID-19
While volunteer opportunities are limited at this current time, not-for-profit organizations across the KFL&A region are continuing to adjust their program and service delivery responses to COVID-19.
Please feel free to email the United Way Volunteer Centre to let us know how you would like to help: volunteer@unitedwaykfla.ca. We will share this information with community organizations as we find out more about their needs and ways that volunteers can help in the days to come.
For general information about volunteering, please contact the Volunteer Centre at 613-542-2674 or volunteer@unitedwaykfla.ca.
And look for updates on the Volunteer Centre Pages