Media Alert
February 10, 2014
Thanks to the hard work and support of the sponsors, participants, and the Next Gen volunteer committee, the second annual Next Gen Masquerade hosted 163 guests and raised over $5,000 to support the United Way of KFL&A.
Next Gen Masquerade was held on February 8, 2014, at the Renaissance Event Venue. Guests enjoyed an evening of mystery and intrigue as they took in a live performance from The Downtown Trio and danced to the beat of Sound on Sound Productions.
Specials thanks to our sponsors: Renaissance Event Venue and KPMG. Prize donors included: Dover’s Men’s Wear, House of Angelis, Cher-Mere Spa and Dan Aykroyd (Crystal Head Vodka). CHIC Dry accepted donations for professional blow outs on February 8th.
Pictures taken at the event by volunteer photographers Rob Hanna and Peter St Marthe have been posted on the United Way Next Gen Facebook page.
In 2013 United Way funded programs helped 85,000 people in our community.
About United Way Next Gen
Next Gen aims to engage a new generation by, encouraging their participation in community-building opportunities through United Way of KFL&A. The Next Gen movement provides opportunities for young professionals to fill vital roles in our community that foster positive change and make a meaningful impact.
Media Contact:
Bhavana Varma, President & CEO, United Way KFL&A
613-542-2674 ext. 2,
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