August 10, 2011
Reliance Presents $250 Cheque to United Way
Reliance Home ComfortTM Kingston will present the United Way KFL&A with a cheque of $250 on Thursday, August 11. Employees participated in an National video internal competition for Reliance. The video challenge was to tell the world why the world runs better on Reliance. Staff talked about a hero and why they are proud to work for this company.
Employees chose to donate their prize of $250 to the United Way. For more information please contact Norm Ball, Sales Manager, Reliance Home Comfort Kingston, 613-546-3421 ext. 103
August 11, 2011
3 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
35 Terry Fox Drive, on Steve Fonyo Drive
Proceeds will go towards the 2011 United Way Campaign.
Established in 1941, United Way serving KFL&A has worked to strengthen lives by bringing together the financial resources of the community – business, labour, individuals and government – in support of a network of social service and health agencies. Through these agencies and their programs, people find help and in many cases, opportunity for a better life. Over 74,000 people in KFL&A received help last year from a United Way funded service.
Media Contact:
Bhavana Varma
President & CEO
United way KFLA
613-542-2674 ext. 2
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