United Way strengthens the voluntary sector by providing training and workshops to local volunteers and boards of directors. Our volunteer Leadership Development Services program provides workshops and custom training sessions to nonprofit organizations throughout KFLA.
The Leadership Development Services (LDS) public workshops are designed for board members, staff and volunteers to develop the skills and knowledge needed to become effective and responsible leaders.

LDS Workshops are sponsored by KPMG.
Board Governance Workshops 2017/2018 LDS Workshops
For Board Members and Senior Administrators
(Fee: $25.00)
All Board Governance workshops start at 5:00pm and include light refreshments.
Fundamentals of a Team Member – May 31 2018
This workshop is for you if you want to turn your ordinary team into an extraordinary one.
The one-day session highlights the three key phases of being an excellent team member: Mindset, Action and Leadership.
It focuses on the actual members and how they can individually contribute to the collective effectiveness of the whole team. Many of these principles are derived from high performing sales teams and military special forces teams.
Frontline workers, volunteers and team leaders benefit from this principled approach to teamwork that is the first building block on the path to leadership excellence.
Participants will learn the qualities of an effective team member, how to communicate ideas effectively, problem-solving and managing risk.
The workshop is interactive and facilitated with activities for learning.
Date: May 31, 2018, 9:00am-4:00pm
Location: Family and Children’s Services, 817 Division Street, Kingston
Facilitator: Biren Bandara, CEO and Founder of Leader School Inc., honed his skills over a 15 year career in the Canadian Armed Forces as a military leader, and during the growth of his financial brokerage that spanned three provinces. He founded the Leader School to help up and coming leaders develop their leadership skills, attributes and abilities.
Custom Workshop Fee Schedule
(A bursary application is available on request)
- Half day session: $150
- Full day session: $300
- Management Assistance Program*: $700
* The Management Assistance Program (MAP) is a cost-effective way to provide ongoing facilitation and workshops for organizations that may need more than two or three custom workshops but fewer than five.
Previous Workshops:
Introduction to Roles and Responsibilities of the Board (Date: April 24, 2018, 5:00-7:30pm)
Facilitator: Bhavana Varma, President & CEO, United Way of KFL&A
Risk Management (Date: March 8, 2018, 5:00-7:30pm)
Facilitator: Kim Murphy, Queen’s University
Legal Duties and Liabilities of Directors (Date: February 13, 2018, 5:00-7:00pm)
Facilitator: Peter Tobias, Viner Kennedy Frederick Allan & Tobias LLP
Financial Stewardship (November 22, 2017, 5:00-7:30pm)
Facilitator: Mike Nemec and Shanil Patel, KPMG
Strategic Toolbox (November 22, 2017, 5:00-7:30pm)
Facilitator:Rebecca Darling,Rebecca Darling Consulting