In the News
June 20, 2013 –
Steve Clark - Leeds and Grenville MPP, Roland Billings and John Gerretsen - MPP Kingston and The Islands.
This week, over 700 Kingstonians were recognized for their volunteerism … from 5 to more than 50 years.
One of those people getting a volunteer service award is Roland billings. The retired Alcan manager has been helping the united way for the last 30 years. Newswatch’s Darryn Davis found out what keeps him giving.
When it comes to volunteering, Roland Billings is one dedicated individual. He’s been donating his time with the united way for thirty years … helping the organization meet and often surpass its fundraising goals. He also runs the Knights of Columbus basketball league … and remains active as both a coach and referee.
Roland Billings/ Volunteering for over 30 years
“You do anything this long you don’t think about the years but getting the recognition that what you’ve done is acknowledged by the organization is fantastic.”
Organizations like the United Way couldn’t function if not for the efforts of its 2 thousand volunteers. But Bhavna Varma the United Way’s CEO says Billings is in a league of his own.
The retired Alcan-Novelis manager started fundraising in his work place …. and is now a member of the United Way’s board of directors.
Bhavna Varma/ United Way CEO: “He’s always wonderful to work with. He always brings treats for the staff. But he really inspires all of us because that’s really what the United Way’s all about.”
Billings says he has no intention of quitting his volunteer work anytime soon but when that day does come he’s quite certain that the upcoming generation will be able to pick up the slack.
Roland billings: “Some people say that forcing high school students to do 40 hours of community service hurts volunteerism but in my mind it has expanded the pool of people that are being exposed to volunteering.”
And with all the time Billings has spent on the basketball court you could say he has a fairly informed opinion when it comes to picking a winner for tonight’s game seven NBA final.
Roland billings: “I like San Antonio. As a referee it was difficult to see the blown call at the end of the last game that cost them the victory but I’d go San Antonio despite it being in Miami.”
Words from a team player who has been recognized for his 3 decades of volunteer service.
Visit the CKWS website to view the footage for this story.
Source: Darryn Davis CKWS Newswatch Kingston.
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