211 launched in Kingston and the surrounding area in 2010. Funded in part by the United Way of KFL&A and the City of Kingston, 211 helps residents connect with the right services at the right time, providing an important gateway to community, social, non-clinical health, and related government services.

  • 211 is Canada’s primary source of information for government and community-based, non- clinical health and social services. The free and confidential service can be accessed in more than 150 languages, by phone, chat, text, and web.
  • 211 helps connect people to the right information and services, including mental health support, financial counselling and food.
  • 211 has been critical to communities grappling with floods, fires and the pandemic, making their pathway to care and resources a guided and trusted

About 211

  • When you dial 2-1-1 you are connected to non-emergency support
  • 211 is a free, confidential service that connects people to critical social, government, and community supports.
  • 211 acts as the front door to support, helping people navigate the complex network of government and community programs and services quickly to find what they need for their unique
  • 211 service is accessible 365 days a year in over 150 languages (varies by region).
  • When you dial 2-1-1 or connect online, a trained professional will listen to you and help you find the right information and supports near
  • 211 is also now available through an app (name of 211 app)


Quick Facts

2001 – In response to the application submitted by United Way Centraide Canada and its partners, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) assigned 2-1-1 as the toll-free helpline for information about community, social, health and government services.

2002 – The first 211 service opened in Toronto.

2004 – 211 launched in Edmonton by United Way of the Alberta Capital Region

2005 – 211 launched in Calgary by United Way of Calgary and the Distress Centre.

2010 – 211 launched in Kingston and the surrounding area

2013 – 211 launched for residents of Nova Scotia (February).

By summer 2020, 211 is available in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and most of Quebec.

Dec 2020 – 211 achieved full service across all of Canada

2021 – 17% increase in 211 interactions via calls, texts and chats over 2021.

2022 – Strong indicators of 211’s importance in the lives of Canadians as inflation and economic aftereffects of the pandemic weigh heavy.

Between 2022 and 2023– 211 service partners answered 1.23M contacts by phone, text, chat, and email.

2024– In several municipalities, 211 service partners are collaborating with local governments and other community service providers in developing and implementing community crisis response initiatives.
